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Dream Teams

We believe God has a place for every person in ministry and we want to help you find a team that works well in your life. Whether you live with a structured or flexible schedule, we want you to connect to the right team so you can start serving others and living your purpose. Below is a list of Dream Teams that you can be involved in.


A-Team (Administration): This team utilizes their gifts of administration and organization to serve the church in administrative areas like data entry, mailer preparation, social media, website design and more. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Communion Team:  This team serves behind the scenes to prepare both the Communion elements and the environment for Communion during our Communion services. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Dream Team Serve Team: This team hosts other Dream Team members by providing refreshments, prayer and encouragement during meet and greets and special events. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Events Team: This team helps with guest speakers, conferences, and special events by serving guests with food, setting up décor, and creating an environment of excellence while maintaining facility cleanliness. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Facilities Team: This team works behind the scenes to maintain a spirit of excellence in our facilities. Serving opportunities includes cleaning, sanitizing and preparing facilities for weekly services.This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


First Responder Team: This unit of healthcare volunteers provides basic medical attention to our guests in the event of an accident or emergency at SCC. Must be certified. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Greeter Team: This team loves people and makes them feel at home at SCC. They welcome guests at the door with a smile and hand out bulletins for Sunday services. They also follow up with visitors as they leave. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Grow Team: This team hosts the Grow session by greeting guests and providing materials and assistance throughout the three steps of Grow. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Hospitality Team: This team connects with guests before service by offering refreshments and a warm welcome while also keeping our coffee stations clean and stocked. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Information/Resource Team: This team serves guests by answering questions and providing information on all of our current events, ministry opportunities and services at SCC. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Kids Check-in Team: This team welcomes families as they arrive at our SCC Kids areas and facilitates the check-in process, ensuring children are cared for effectively and efficiently. Background check required. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Legacy Team: This team uses the gift of giving to serve the church. Through strategic financial offerings above their tithe, they support projects that impact our cities, state, nation, and world. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Maintenance Team: This team maintains the building, manages building upgrades, groundskeeping, and janitorial needs. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


​Outreach Team: These groups are involved in countless outreach ministries with a focus on being the hands and feet of Jesus to bring God’s love to our communities and world by meeting both physical and spiritual needs. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Parking Team: This team is a guest’s first impression of SCC. They manage the flow of the parking lot for services and events and monitor grounds for debris and trash. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Prayer Team: This team of trained intercessors covers the weekend and midweek events in prayer, preparing the way for the Lord. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Preschool/Nursery Team: This team leads children into a real relationship with Jesus through Bible stories, worship, prayer, hands-on activities and personal interactions. Background check required. This team volunteers on Sundays.



Production Team: This team uses creativity and technology to reach our church by delivering the Word and worship through décor, video announcements and other visual elements during Sunday services. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


SCC Kids Team: This team creates an environment in our kid’s services where children are consistently exposed to the real love of Jesus. They intentionally invest in the lives of our children through worship, videos, skits, small groups, greeting, games and more. Background check required. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Setup/Teardown Team: This team facilitates the SCC experience by setting up before special services and events. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Small Group Leadership: This team hosts small groups, offering a place for people to find meaningful community. Small group leaders host groups based on topics or activities they are passionate about. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Sound and Media Team: This team uses sound, lighting, and media to help provide a dynamic worship experience. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Ushers Team: These men and women prepare people for a positive worship experience by welcoming and assisting them to a seat, facilitating the offering, and maintaining a distraction-free environment. This team volunteers on Sundays.


Women’s Team: This team hosts women’s event and outreach.  They serve our church and community in multiple ways, including but not limited to the ministry of individuals and families in need of help and encouragement. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Worship Team: This dynamic team prepares the way for our guests to encounter the presence of God through vocals, instruments, and audio engineering. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.


Youth Ministry Team: This team builds the next generation, one dynamic worship experience, relevant topics, impactful retreat and life-changing mission trips. This team volunteers on Sundays as well as other days during the week.

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